This list of Air Force personalities has been compiled from available photographs. If your name does not appear and you would like to have it added, please send a suitable photograph and a 10 word (max) list of your Air Force postings to the Webmaster. It is hoped that with your co-operation a comprehensive list for the period prior to 1980 will eventually be produced.
4013 MacLaughlin, Mac or Porky, OC Thornhill
Maitland Bill
Marais, Quinton, 33PTC, 7Sqn
5694 Mare, Neville
Marshall Harry, First WO I/C No 7 Squadron
Maskill, Bat, ATC (Ex SAAF)
Mawdsley Bruce
5398 May, Bertie, Armaments
4088 McClurg, Peter, Pilot
5859 McCormick, Hugh, Airframes
McKenzie, John, D.M.M.
Kutanga Range Warden
5577 McLellan, Ian
5718 Menhinick, Clive
6201 Mitchell, Danie "Dan"
Moll, Victor, 33 PTC, 7 Sqn pilot
4071 Morris, Roy, OC 1 Sqn
5341 Moss, Basil, Officer GD, Officer IC No 2 GSU
4183 Mulligan, Mike, 1 Sqn 7 Sqn
4187 Munton-Jackson, Guy, 6 Sqn (QFI), 7 Sqn, KOAS night flying en route AloIII
5933 Murray, Steve
Instrument Tech became Pilot, 1 Sqn, Op Sand
Mutch, Sandy
Direct Entry Pilot 1958
OC New Sarum 1977-78
Ness, Johnny, W.O.
15 LAR
7 Sqn and 7/8 Sqn
4238 Netherton, Kit, Pilot
Nettleton, Gordon
14PTC, OC7
KOAS, Alo III, 1 Jul 70
Newman, Ken, 25PTC, 4 Sqn, 7 Sqn
6151 Nicholls, Terence J. "Terry"
4153 Nightingale, Derek, "Nobi", Pilot 17PTC 4Sqn
6190 Nineham, Chris
Norris, Eddy
WO i/c Provisioning and Stock Control at New Sarum
Joined from 4RR in 1968, retired 1981
4271 Oakley, Tony, 4 Sqn pilot, OC 1 Sqn
4211 Ogilvie, Donald, Don, ATC
Spike Owens, Sqn WO, (4 Sqn)