This list of Air Force personalities has been compiled from available photographs. If your name does not appear and you would like to have it added, please send a suitable photograph and a 10 word (max) list of your Air Force postings to the Webmaster. It is hoped that with your co-operation a comprehensive list for the period prior to 1980 will eventually be produced.
K.A.S. (Ken) Edwards, OC 4 Sqn, Thornhill CO
6554 Ellis R.W. Airframes
556 Els, Alec, Machine Shop
Eltringham, Dennis, 16 LAR
5815 Emsley, Terry, Station Adj, Thornhill
1018 Esterhuizen, Don, Instruments
Fairey, John, Direct Entry Pilot
Son of Sir Richard Fairey, the founder of the Fairey Aircraft Company
Ex British Airways. Flew on 3 Sqn.
Killed Piston Provost crash in UK in 2009.
Photo: Worthington Herald
Farrell, Norman, 13 LAR, Airframes, rose to rank of WOI.
Fenton-Wells, Steven, Ex RN, VR Officer
4268 Few, Blake, ATC Thornhill
5259 Field, Derek, Safety Equipment, Thornhill
824 Fitch, Yorkie
5347 Flaxman, Glen
5937 Fleming, Ian, "Flamo", Armaments
KIA 12.01.1978 Helicopter crash
861 FULTON, Derek
Fynn Kerry, 7 Sqn Pilot, Direct entry, KOAS 1979
6899 GAILEY, James, 36 LAR Engines, 6 Sqn
6090 GAITENS, Allan
GARDE, Tony, 4 ATC
GARDEN, Pete, Armourer, 7 Sqn, KOAS 17 Jan 1972
GARDNER, Mike, Pilot, Direct Entry
4177 GELDENHUIS, "Prop", Pilot, 2 Sqn, 1 Sqn, Air HQ
4221 GERATY, Mike or "Spook", Pilot, 2 Sqn, 1 Sqn
510,Gipson, Ken Gipson.
Served in the Air Force 1952 - 1972.
Commissioned as armament officer in May 1959 and Staff Armament Officer in Jan 1964.
Served in Rhod. Army Service Corp, (weapons procurement) 1975 - 1980.
Photo George Bavistock, 1971
6247 Goodwin, Brian
Direct entry 1970 - 1981
Airframes. ASF, 5 Sqn., AIS NDT
Previously Royal Air Force secondment, 1956 - 1958 (RAF No 589445)
5064 GRACE, Les, Airframes
6149 GRAHAM, Pat
6846 GRAYDON, Butch, Airframes
Colin Graves
OC 1 Squadron
KOAS Flying Accident 1959
Mick Grier
3 Sqn, 7 Sqn, OC 2 GTS
4362 Griffiths, Rob, Pilot, 4 Sqn
Griffiths, Harold, Pilot, OC 2 Sqn, OC 7 Sqn
Grindley, Gerry, Direct Entry, Airframes, 4 Sqn
30 PTC, 4Sqn 6 Sqn
4363 Haakenson, Ray, Pilot, 4 Sqn, 7 Sqn
Hagan,Terry, Direct Entry PJI
5595 Hamence, Michael (Mick), Engines
Harris, Robert, PTI/DI (1 GTS)
5912 W/O II R. T. HATTLE (Bob)
Instrument Fitter in the Airforce from 1965 to 1984.
Initially TF, then joined as regular. Trained with 17 LAR.
Became WO I/C Instruments, Thornhill
Havell, Colin
517 HAWTHORN, "Tickey", Airframes, 1 Sqn WO
5715 HAYTER ,Gerry, Airframes, No 1 OTC
4400 HENDERSON, Ian, Pilot, "Hendo" 30 PTC
5984 Hepple, John, Pilot
4253 Heard, Barry, Pilot
6557 Hichey, Keith
Wally Hinrichs, 2 SSU
5973 P. V. Horsburgh, 21LAR, Rolls Royce Trophy, Armourer
HOUSTON, Mo, 12 LAR, Radio
6426 Howard, Tony
601 Howie, Gordon, "Jock", OC Tech Wing, Thornhill
6050 Humpage, Reg
Hudson Mike, Pilot
Imrie, Jim, Ground Electrics
4490 James, Colyn, MFC
7 Sqn Pilot
Direct entry, ex BSAP
4063 Janeke, "Tol", Pilot, OC Thornhill 1977 - 1979
6631 Jansen, George
5837 Jarvie, Henry A.J. better known as "Hutch", 7Sqn Tech
KIA 12 January 1978, Ground fire, Mtoko area
0232 Jelly, William, "Bill", OC 2 Sqn
Jessop, Jeff, Workshops
6467 Johnson A.H.B.
4149 Jones D.A.G. "Dag"
A/OC 1 Sqn, OC 4 Sqn
OC Thornhill 1981
Gary (Welsh Barbarian) Jones
Direct Entry - MT
Jones Paddy
Direct entry late 60's ex USA
Flew on 3 Squadron
Jordaan, Nick, Stores
6020 Keightley, Bert, Airframes
Kemsley, Keith, OC 2 Sqn
4188 Kenyon, "Ken", A.T.C. Thornhill
4171 Kesby, Steve, Pilot, OC 2 Sqn
4367 Kidson, John, 4 Sqn
5745 King, Geoff, Airframes
6019 Kirk, Graham, Airframes
4056 Knobel, Peter, OC 5 Sqn, OCFW New Sarum
6408 Knott R. "Bobby", Armourer
5831 Kruger, Chris, Radio
1361 Laundon, Wally, Medic
8537 Layton, William W.O.
932 Lewis, "Taff", Radio
5764 Light, Jim, Airframes
4263 Litson, Mike, Pilot
921 Louw, Pete, Equipment
6048 Lowe, Phil
4199 Lunt, Ted, OC 8 Sqn