Formation: 1
January 1964
The roles of the units are:
a. Siqs. Responsible for the command and control of all communications aspects in the Army including advise on signals matters.
b. S Sigs. S Sigs is responsible for:i. The conduct of trade training and upgrading courses for all Rh Sigs personnel.
ii. The trade testing of Rh Sigs tradesmen as directed by Army HQ.
iii.The conduct of all Signal courses for personnel of all courses.iv. The training of Regimental Signals Officers and instructors of all arms.
v. The specialist signals training of Territorial Army trainees undergoing continuous training.
vi. The conduct of any other specialist signals training as directed by Army HQ.
vii. User trials of signals equipment.
c. Brigade Signal Squadrons. Provide communication, maintenance and repair facilities for their respective formations, both static and mobile. This includes 41 Tp who serve HQ 4 Bde.
d. 1 Sig Regt. Responsible for the command and control of 10,11 and 12 Sig Sqns.
e. 10 Signal Squadron. Provides communication maintenance and repair facilities for Army HQ, the Armoured Car Regiment and Special Forces Signals Troops. It is also responsible for radio relay systems.
f. 11 Signal Squadron. Provides a manpower reserve for Rh Sigs.
g. 12 Signal Squadron
i. S Tp. Accounts for all signals equipment in the Army.
ii. Base Workshops. Base repairs of all signals equipment in the Army's. projects and special tasks.
iii. Q Tp. A small manpower reserve of technicians to support Base Wksps in the event of continuous working.
iv. Rh Siqs Band. Provide and maintain a Military Band and when authorised by Army HQ, provide static guards during operations.
h. 8 Sig Sqn. The role of 8 Sig Sqn is electronic warfare.